On October 13, 1954, a steadfast band of believers worshipped together for the very first time as the Mount Bethel Baptist Church, at the home of Brother Willie Rivers. This spirit-filled service was attended by seven individuals, who would serve as the first members of Mount Bethel: Rev. Homer Everett, Bro. Paul Everett, Sis Susan Everett, Bro. Nathaniel Brown, Sis Mary Everett Salley, Bro Willie Rivers and Bro Gilbert Griffin. This first service included the ordination and installation ceremony of Rev. Homer (H.J.) Everett as the pastor by
Rev. W. H. Edwards and Rev. P. J. Curry. These faithful members would take turns hosting the weekly church services in their homes and a few months later, the YMCA became a consistent, “temporary” location for worship services.
In 1956, land was purchased on which to build a church edifice and in 1957, the construction of that initial phase was completed. Construction slowly, yet steadily went through various phases and ended with the completion of the main sanctuary in May of 1965. It was at this celebratory juncture that Rev. Everett declared the 3rd Sunday in May to be “Homecoming Day” and would subsequently be the occasion where the church’s anniversary was commemorated. Rev. Everett, a visionary in his own right, knew this edifice would eventually be too small for the membership of Mount Bethel Baptist Church. Therefore, land was purchased a block away and in 1979, and plans were drawn for the current location of Mount Bethel Baptist Church. The groundbreaking ceremony was held on April 12, 1981. Unfortunately, this would be the last glimpse of his vision that Rev. Everett would see, as he passed away on June 8, 1981.
Rev. V. B. Friar briefly served as pastor of Mount Bethel after the death of Rev. Everett, and subsequently Rev. Gregory Pope, served as interim pastor upon Rev. Friar’s departure. Both men are credited with providing diligent leadership in one of the church’s most trying times.
On September 25, 1985, Bishop C. E. Glover accepted the call as pastor of Mount Bethel, and served as the visionary who would lead ministry into the 21st century. Under the pastorate of Bishop Glover, the construction of the edifice located at 901 NW 11th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL was completed. Bishop Glover forged a path of ministry that was undergirded in two foundational scriptures: Luke 4:18, which states “The Spirit of The LORD is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor…to set at liberty them that are bruised” and Matt. 25:40, “Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as you have done unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto me.”
Fully embracing this mandate, Mount Bethel Baptist Church set out on a passionate ministry campaign that transformed Broward County. In 1990, Bishop C.E. and Lady Beulah Glover founded Mount Bethel Christian Academy which endeavors to provide children from 3 years of age through 8th grade with a quality, and high-capacity education that stands on Christian principles and values. In 1993 Mount Bethel Human Services was founded and has expanded from an agency with one program to a corporation with numerous programs which have included family reunification services, diversion and intervention programs, foster parent training and licensing, and a thriving family resource center. In 1997, New Visions Community Development Corporation was
founded to assist first time homebuyers, and many were able to achieve their dream of homeownership. These initiatives and the expansive growth of the ministry only serve as a snapshot of the profound impact that Bishop Glover made during his 38 years as pastor of Mount Bethel Baptist Church.
In the Winter of 2022, sensing the sunset of his pastoral ministry and with a strong desire to positively propel Mount Bethel into its next season of life and ministry, Bishop Glover submitted Rev. Curtis Ballard, Jr. to succeed him as the next pastor of Mount Bethel Baptist Church. For one full calendar year and with the overwhelming support of the membership, Bishop Glover and Rev. Ballard walked side by side, leading the church in a seamless, biblical-based pastoral succession, that culminated December 31, 2023.
On March 16, 2024, Rev. Curtis Ballard, Jr. was officially installed as the 4th Senior Pastor of Mount Bethel Baptist Church. Endeavoring to build upon the foundation of those who have come before, Rev. Ballard embraces a ministry mandate that CELEBRATES the goodness of God, CULTIVATES disciples, CARES for the people of God, CONNECTS believers, and CONTRIBUTES to God’s kingdom and community.
Mount Bethel Baptist Church endeavors to be an example to generations to come of the overwhelming faithfulness of God; a community of believers who have weathered all seasons and the storms of life but has emerged as a testament of God’s goodness and love. A place that honors its yesterday, today and tomorrow, by affectionately celebrating its history, ambitiously forging its destiny and audaciously building its legacy to the glory of God!